Find Your Center at Home Casa Sol
A Community rooted in Love.

Home Casa Sol ofrece:
At Home Casa Sol, we provide a diverse range of services to children and Parent. Our programs include Be Yogi, mindfulness sessions, language therapy, workshops, art therapy, language courses, and literacy classes. We focus on organizing retreats, workshops, sharing valuable knowledge, educating, supporting the growth and development of children and families, and promoting nature conservation.

Be Yogi
Improve your mental and physical health through our Be Yogi program designed for all levels of experience. El programa incluye el conocimiento de los chakras y su relacion con las emociones.
Mindfulness Sessions
Experience the benefits of mindfulness in your daily life through our expert-led mindfulness classes.

Language Therapy
Our language therapy services aim to enhance communication skills and language development in individuals of all ages.
Through tailored language therapy sessions, we support individuals in improving their speech and language abilities. Nos inspiramos en la metodologia Montessori como punto inicial, y para finalizar el Arteterapia fortalece diversos aspectos en el desarrollo del lenguaje.
About Us

Our Mission
Home Casa Sol, located in Saltillo, Coahuila, offers a variety of services for all ages, including Be Yogi, mindfulness, language therapy, workshops, art therapy, language courses, and literacy classes. Our focus revolves around organizing retreats, workshops, sharing information, providing education and support for the growth and development of children and families, as well as nature conservation efforts.